segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011

14 - February of 2011

Today is really the first day, and I'm afraid of going there.

They say today can either be a good day or the worst day. Today is the day they paint you and make you to beg in the streets, and I do not like that.

Now a days it's a crime, it's prohibited, but they do it anyway and the police do nothing.

Some people said to me: "it's normal and you have to relax because it's cool"... I think it depends on what you like and what you don't like, If you don't care about it, like, to stay in the streets, begging for money, with your face painted, maybe it'll be nice for you. But, if you are the kind of person who thinks that the situation is a ridiculous way to receive the new students, it wont  be good for you.

Whatever, I am going to see how is it.

see you later....

Um comentário:

  1. That is too funny, I was wondering what the kids were doing out in the streets tonight all painted up. I got about 6 blocks before a guy was at my window asking for money, kind of scared me but I gave him some change from my car.
    So this is what they do to freshman? Did you get painted too? No problem, you should go with it. That is until the paint hardens. :)
